Oh hey there, let me introduce myself

Thanks for checking out my site – I’m so excited that you’re here.

Bret and Snowy in the backyard.

A little about me for those who don’t know: my name is Allison, I’m a former techie, and am now an actor / producer in the Bay Area. Here’s a picture of my partner, Bret, and our dog, Snow Cone (yep that’s her name lol) – I know this isn’t a dog-blog, but sometimes I can’t help myself! We are lucky enough to be a pretty happy family.

Now onto entertainment: my true passion in life. I’ve always felt a deep connection to storytelling and the emotional ties to characters in film and television. These stories have been not only an escape from life or an exercise in relaxation, but also a way to connect with others and see unique perspectives. I truly believe storytelling does and will change the world. And it does that by creating empathy.

We’ve all read those articles about humans becoming increasingly siloed and living in echo chambers, but I think film and television has become a bridge between each of us. We can experience the way others live, learn about new traditions, and feel the love and pain that resides within each of us. Seeing stories about people who look nothing like you or have a completely different perspective in life is one of the most powerful ways we can break down barriers and solve problems like sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, and xenophobia. It can also teach us important lessons in the world by breaking down important and complex issues like climate change and economic disparity. Like the age old saying, “put yourself in someone else’s shoes,” storytelling does just that to help us discover our shared humanity. And with that power comes the responsibility for all of us to create and share those stories.

Each week I’ll share my thoughts about the industry based on current events, give you updates about my projects and roadblocks as a new creator, and review films / television shows with a specific focus on building empathy.

What’s a recent film or show that has created empathy for you? Where did you watch it and what made so powerful to you?

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